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Dock Concert
July 3, 2021

Dock Concert- Band photo edited.jpg

On Saturday, July 3rd, the MLPOA held their first dock concert featuring the B&B Blues Band.  This was a lake community event for on-water viewing only due to COVID restrictions that were in place at the time. It was held in the afternoon to allow for all ages and boating safety. 

The event was a great success, raising money through donations to support the cost of the band.  Over fifty boats were on the water during the event, large boats holding family and friend groups and several individual crafts such as kayaks, canoes and even paddleboards.  Close neighbours were able to hear the concert from their docks and the sound could be heard clearly over the lake for everyone's enjoyment.

Neighbours who had seen little of each other over the past year were happy to see each other again out on the water ( safely distancing in their boats of course) and got to, swim, chat and catch up during the band intermissions


The B&B Blues band is a local group who played regularly throughout Haliburton and the Kawarthas as venues such as the Paddie House in Coboconk, McKeck's in Haliburton and the annual Blues Festival. Like all live performers during COVID, they had been unable to perform unless at small private functions and their income was severely effected.  One of the band members, Gord (Barney) Barnes is a permanent resident on East Moore Lake and husband to one of our board directors.  His enthusiasm in promoting this event and joy of performing again to a live audience was infectious and helped make this event the success that it was.   All of the band members, Barney, Billy, Dan, Patrick and Randy were so energetic and generous with their time and efforts that the concert ran over by at least half an hour as they continued to play while there was still an audience to listen!


Our thanks go out to the all of the band members and to our lake community for coming together for this event.  Here are some photos and memories.


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