Anyone on East Moore or visiting the area is likely effected by this damaged gate. Several calls were made to the Minden Public Works department in charge of roadwork this past year, (and for many years prior) but the response was that they were looking into it but had no manpower nor money to fix it. There is a legal agreement to keep it in place so it cannot be removed without permission, which has not been given. It is the township's responsibility to repair the gate but the cost to do so is not in the budget.
In early December, the gate became even further damaged due to heavy traffic and that portion of the road was bypassed. The bypass was constructed by a company hired by one of the property owners and built in a few hours time and is now being used as the main thoroughfare. The bypass is still on city owned land so does not encroach on any private property. The photo in the article in the Highlander Newspaper on Dec 23,2021 below, shows the bypass but doesn't mention that it was done. The bypass was done by local owners and not the city.
Here is a copy of the Public Works directors report to Council dated Dec 9, 2021.
A news piece in the Minden Times Dec 15th
News piece in The Highlander newspaper on Dec 23rd

Wow they installed it quite a bit higher than the road level. Hope they maintain it better and it actually keeps all of those cows from wandering!